Ukhtees is a Muslimah (Muslim women) apparel brand targeting university girls. As their core audience graduate, their lifestyle and taste will also change. To stay relevant, Ukhtees is expanding its market to include young adult and need an identity that works for these two markets.​​​​​​​
From the research, we analyze their direct and indirect competitor, user psychographics, gather potential keywords, and develop hundreds of sketches, to help with the brand development. The process has undergone several iterations to get the perfect identity to work with their goals. Finally, we create an identity that works with their new markets while keeping the essence established before. We created a brand that makes the users freely practice their feminity and belief with comfort.
We analyze the brand strategy, expansion plan, analyze competitors, and extract keywords from the discoveries that we made. We later discover the best concept to represent the new brand image and essence. Development of stylescape also very helpful in guiding us towards the most working identity style for the brand. Hundreds of iterations have been made to get the best logomark.
At Ukhtees, the practice of taking care of the aurah has been at the core of their identity from the start. Ukhtees logomark inspired by tulip flower to portray feminity & nature. The line of the florets from both sides meets in the middle & loops into each other to emphasize their relationship with the customers, providing them confidence & support to ensure their comfort in practicing their beliefs.

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